Increase in searches for part-time and weekend work as wage growth slows down

candidate in job interview

by HRHQ Editorial Team

There has been a huge increase in job searches for part-time work and roles that need no experience, according to employment site, Indeed.

The findings indicated many of the people looking for these roles offering casual working times are parents, those who are semi-retired and younger people with few qualifications.

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Jack Kennedy, economist at Indeed said .”These trends clearly show that jobseekers are feeling the pinch right now as wage growth sits at roughly half of inflation rates,”

“Salary, benefits and job security are the main priorities for them when considering their career, however it’s possible we may see less frequent job hopping as people become wary of moving in an uncertain environment,”

Data from Indeed’s job postings shows the sectors with the biggest advertised wage increases in 2022, with childcare rising 17%, information design and documentation up 13%, and IT operations and helpdesk services also climbing 13%

The latest figures from the Indeed Wage Tracker however show a general slowdown in wage growth in Ireland to 4.4% in December, indicating wage growth rates have fallen below their 2022 peaks and remain well below the current rate of inflation, which has eased to 8.2%.

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