CHROs have made it to the C-Suite, but there is a big succession problem

Board meeting

by HRHQ Editorial Team

A world leading human capital advisory firm, The Josh Bersin Company, recently revealed a new, groundbreaking research and advisory offering on the evolving role of the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), highlighting the capabilities and detailed backgrounds of the most high-performing HR leaders.

The CHRO role has clearly moved into the C-suite, with 13% of senior HR leaders now ranked among the top five highest-paid executives. However, as the role has escalated in importance and complexity, companies are increasingly struggling to find the “right” CHRO for their needs.

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The findings revealed for the first time in this comprehensive analysis of the current state of the CHRO role, Understanding the Path to CHRO

In this unique analysis of HR leaders’ career trajectories, The Josh Bersin Company, which leveraged data from SeekOut, an AI-powered recruiting and talent intelligence company, uncovered the quiet but radical evolution of today’s top human and talent management executives.

This shift began in the early 2000s when a critical digital talent shortage forced CEOs to rethink HR’s role. As companies adapted to the Information Age, CHROs took on greater strategic responsibilities—moving beyond payroll and hiring to oversee performance management, leadership development, and corporate universities.

As businesses evolved and societal shifts took hold, CHROs took on diversity initiatives, change management, and the complexities of global workforces. The rise of globalization, remote work, and movements like George Floyd’s impact on DEI further expanded their role. In 2025, CHROs are increasingly being relied on as strategic leaders, managing human capital as a key business driver, taking a leadership role in AI transformation, and shaping a workforce of “superworkers.”

However, the role’s growing complexity has outpaced CEO recognition and support, leaving many with insufficient training and resources to navigate this evolving landscape.

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