Why Corporate Wellness Is Very Important for Every Organization

By Rajib KR Saha


Considering the level of stress and pressure in workplaces, wellness has turned up as one of the much-needed strategy that different organizations should apply in their work place. Different programs for achieving corporate wellness are getting even more popular in businesses having different sizes of work force. One of the biggest reasons behind this is that there are no signs of decreasing charges for medical expenses in near future.

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Let us talk about some statistics. According to a survey where more than fifty thousand employees participated most of them suffered from illness just because of huge work pressure. Almost 80% cases are following the professional wellness programs as they are having medical issues like musculoskeletal disorder, depression and stress. In one of the reports published by CBI, the companies surveyed incur a loss of £1 billion every year just because of employee absentee.


Wellness Program and Its Importance

Before explaining the concept of professional wellness it is important to mention that there are millions of cases were employees are getting frustrated from their jobs and eventually they quit from their job. Programs like corporate wellness are highly effective in minimizing the stress level of the employees and it will increase the level of productivity.

This wellness program is actually a positive approach which these wellness firms provide. These types of programs help to enhance productivity of the company just by motivating the important asset of the organization: its employees.

The term ‘wellness’ suggests a holistic approach which mainly focuses to promote the health and well-being of all the employees working with the company.

Pointers Suggesting How Corporate Wellness is Important for the Organizations


• Boosting Morale of The Employees

There is a saying that a healthy employee is always a happy employee. It is also relevant that the people who are physically and mentally fit, they tend to do more productive work for the organization they are working.


• Eliminating Stress

Numerous health experts have stated that higher level of stress will result in causing on-set disease, lack of creativity, low energy, etc. Thus the outcome of the company or its productivity will be more if the employees tend to have positive attitude toward their work.


• Exciting and Full of Life Work Culture

A healthy mind and positive attitude towards the work will definitely result in something new and good for the company’s point of view. The reason behind is that the employees will work with more dedication and there will be flow of new and creative ideas.


Hope these pointers will help the readers to understand that why the concept of professional wellness is very important.




Rajib Saha is a reputed author who writes various articles on health and corporate wellbeing. He suggests the readers to take help of physical wellness trainers to bring out corporate wellness UK companies.


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