Beating the January Blues

depressed man at workstation

by HRHQ Editorial Team

As we enter the final week of January, many people are likely breathing a heavy sigh of relief that this dreaded month is nearly over and the January blues will soon be a thing of the past. The New Year can be tough for a variety of reasons – dark mornings and dark evenings, gloomy weather and Christmas is now a distant memory. For those who find themselves dreading going to work at the best of times, embarking on that daily commute in January is probably ten times worse, knowing that your next long break from work is likely to be a summer holiday that hasn’t even been planned yet.

Work takes up a huge amount of our time and so it’s no surprise that it severely impacts our mental health and wellbeing. Being unhappy in your job to the point that it leaves you struggling with depression and anxiety should not be something that you accept as an unavoidable part of life. No matter how bleak your present circumstances may seem there is always a better role in a better organisation out there. It may seem incredibly daunting to consider changing jobs especially when you’re not in the most positive frame of mind but there is plenty of support available to aid you in this. Talk to your family and friends who will no doubt offer encouragement and support and remind you of what you are capable of.

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It is also of course entirely possible that you are perfectly content in your current job but the January blues have still managed to take hold and put a dark cloud over your head as you make your way to work every day. This is perfectly normal; it’s a tough time of year no matter what and it will likely pass as the evenings get longer and the weather gets better. Look into what promotions might be coming up at work and see if it’s something you can work on or get involved in a charity event your colleagues are organising. Keep busy – the devil makes work for idle hands and this applies just as much to idle minds.

If the January blues persist into February and beyond, it is definitely worth considering that it is not simply the January blues but rather something a little more serious. Let the people around you know you’re not feeling the best and seek professional help, there’s no shame in it at all. If you think work is the source of your problems, take a step back and consider the options you have to address this and make some much-needed improvements.

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